PILookup - Explore the Secrets of Pi

Query and download the first 10 billion digits of Pi, find the first occurrence of any number combination in Pi

Pi Day Countdown

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What is PILookup?

PILookup explores the secrets of the mathematical constant π with you, offering download and query services for pi. You can download the first 10 billion digits of pi and query the first occurrence of any numerical combination in pi.

What is Pi?

Pi (π) is a mathematical constant commonly represented by the Greek letter π. It is defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. In other words, pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter, i.e., π= C/D, where C represents the circumference of the circle, and D represents the diameter.

Pi is an irrational number, and its decimal part is infinitely non-repeating, such as 3.1415926535... The commonly used approximation for Pi is 3.14.

What is Pi Day?

Pi Day is on March 14th every year because the digits 3, 1, 4 represent the first three digits of the mathematical constant π (pi). This day is typically celebrated to promote interest in mathematics and science among the public through various fun activities, competitions, and celebrations.

People also like to celebrate in various ways, such as making food related to pi (like pi pies), participating in math competitions, or organizing educational activities related to mathematics and science.

This day is also the birthday of the great physicist Albert Einstein, so Pi Day has become one of the days to commemorate him.